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  • North Coast Explorer

The Highland Clearances Explorer Tour

Updated: Feb 11, 2021

This 3 day tour focuses on a notorious period in Scottish history which is often written about in guide books and magazines – The Highland Clearances of the 18th and 19th centuries.

However, we believe this tour to be unique. Robert, our guide, is a recognised expert on the Clearances and what sets him apart from his peers is that he not only knows the facts about the Clearances, he also has an intimate knowledge of the landscape in which they occurred.

This tour will not only guide you along hundreds of miles of deserted single-track roads, through vast open wildernesses but will also guide you through time. Starting in the early years of the 1800’s, Robert will lead you on an immersive journey that is still evolving up to the present day.

But do not expect a passive tour – the cold facts of the Sutherland Clearances will be brought to life through your active participation in the retelling of historic events and by ‘flying’ high above deserted townships using our Sky Explorer – an educational and enjoyable journey back in time.

Possible Highlights on this tour:

  • Dunrobin Castle & Museum – ancestral home of the Duke of Sutherland

  • Rosal Village – cleared of people in 1814 and now a ruin

  • Straths Naver & Kildonan – soak up the peace of these picturesque river valleys

  • Strathy Village – a re-settlement site which included 4 churches

  • Kirk of Kildonan – central to the Clearances story

  • Badbea Village – one of the many coastal villages where folk were resettled to

  • Helmsdale – a memorial to the Highland Clearances erected 190 years after the event

What you need to know:

  • 3 day minimum tour duration

  • Fully tailored to your requirements

  • Suitable for up to 4 people

  • Pick up and drop off from your chosen location on route

  • Touring time is usually from 9.00 to 17.30 each day depending on the agreed itinerary

  • For further information, please call, email or use the form on our Contact Us page

Enjoy the views below of some of the sights you may see along the way!

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